I need a new camera

It's been a little over 5 years since I finally invested in a proper DSLR and looking back at my ever growing collection of photographs I can see a dramatic increase in picture quality over the past 5 years. My camera, the Canon 600D (well Kiss X5 but that's the same thing) has been an invaluable tool to teach me all sorts of tricks and techniques to improve my photography. But as my skills improve so does my frustration and expectations.

My personal taste is a nice sharp image with no noise or little enough that it doesn't distract or take away precious details when ironed out. Lately I've noticed just how much noise can ruin what would otherwise be a really nice shot and I would like to do something about it.

So I've set my sights on an 80D. I'm staying with Canon purely because I don't feel like changing my lenses just yet so a new camera body with a better sensor and features will be enough for now. It's still a little over my budget so I'll have to save up for it but so far this is the model that seems to be the best suited for my needs. Feel free to chime in with better suggestions.

Image is one of many shots of Santa Claus Village which took me forever to process to a standard I was happy with. Somehow the sooc jpg was nicer than the RAW image and I couldn't quite reproduce the in-camera processing, especially noise reduction…

I need a new camera…

It’s been a little over 5 years since I finally invested in a proper DSLR and looking back at my ever growing collection of photographs I can see a dramatic increase in picture quality over the past 5 years. My camera, the Canon 600D (well Kiss X5 but that’s the same thing) has been an invaluable tool to teach me all sorts of tricks and techniques to improve my photography. But as my skills improve so does my frustration

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