Short analysis of the Middle Earth maps teased by Amazon Prime

Following from my previous post, I started looking a little more closely at the last two maps that the @lotronprime twitter account posted this week and noted quite a few inconsistencies between the two. Up until the penultimate map it seemed like they were posting the same map with slightly more details added each time but that very last map is different.

Let’s look at what I will call “map 4” as this was the 4th map they posted.

Map 4 of Middle Earth

In this map you can clearly see clues which suggest this is set on or after SA 2350, which according to the timeline in the Lord of the Rings appendixes is when the city of Pelargil, on the mouth of the river Anduin, was built. The mention of Moria already suggests a world set on or after SA 1697 when Khazad-Dûm was renamed Moria “Dark Chasm” after the war of Sauron and the Elves and the slaying of Celebrimbor. Osgiliath is also a big clue that this map is set far later into the second age as it was built as the first capital of the kingdom of Gondor which itself did not come to be until SA 3320. This puts this map on or after that year. Minas Anor and Minas Ithil also point at SA 3320 as the earliest date this map could be as this is the year both those citadels were built.

Now if we move on to “map 5”, and put both maps side by side, beside the addition of Númenor, there are some very obvious differences:

Map 5

The first thing that jumps at me is just how much more forested the regions of Miniriath and Enedhwaith are in that last map, which suggests a much different period in time. Both Umbar and Pelargil are gone, as is Imladris and if we assume that this isn’t just some oversight but proof that the place did not exist at the time this map is supposed to represent then we are looking at a time prior to SA 1697.

You’ll also notice that in Map 4 Lothlórien is named Laurelindórenan while in Map 5 it is Lórinand. Both names have been used to refer to Lothlórien but it’s unclear what the chronology is here.

The kingdom of Eregion is also significant here as it was founded by the Noldor in SA 750. However Mordor isn’t labelled here and it was founded in SA 1000. This places this map within a 250 year period between SA 750 and SA 1000. This means there is at least 2320 years, likely more between both maps.

In all likelihood this simply illustrates the fact that the Amazon Prime TV show will cover the vast majority of the Second Age of the Sun from the founding of Númenor to the last alliance of Elves and Men with highly significant events in between such as:

  • The forging of the rings or power and the one ring
  • The creation of Imladris, later Rivendell
  • The Númenorean saga with the rise of the mighty kingdom, capture of Sauron and deception that led to the sinking of the Island and the shape of Middle Earth changing
  • The founding of the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor and its great citadels

However by staying within the Second Age it will leave out some characters people have grown accustomed to and who non-Tolkien fans … geeks, like me will be expecting to see. Therefore, unless they seriously rewrite Tolkien canon you won’t see wizards and hobbits. Those belong to the Third Age but between the Noldor, the Númenoreans and Sauron (not to mention the dwarves up until they close themselves to the world) there will be plenty of drama to go around.

What Second Age story are you looking forward to the most?

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