Yummy petals

Ugh, slugs.

So we have this beautiful clematis that the previous owners of the house left behind. Earlier this year I pruned it back quite a bit as it had a lot of dried up stems and it looked like it needed a fresh start. After that it started growing again as spring was progressing. Now that we’re into summer, the flowers are (slowly) starting to appear. They take a while to bloom but when they do it’s a beautiful display of velvety purple petals with a very bright colour.

Sadly, the local gastropod wildlife is rather fond of it too. Within days the petals don’t whither but rather become the desolate sight of an unfinished meal. As such if I want a picture, I have to hurry. Hence the rather dark photo, since, despite being outdoors in the middle of the summer I still had to push my ISO to 1600 to get a fast enough shutter speed as it’s been rainy and gloomy lately

We should get more flowers soon so I’ll hopefully get a better shot but if not I wanted to try at least that one:

4 thoughts on “Yummy petals”

  1. Vera Booksh Zimmerman

    Old remedy for slugs- Set out a saucer of beer. They drink it and die. Maybe in Scotland you should use Scotch.

  2. Stephanie Rebours-Smith

    The circle of coffee grounds seems to have helped the rhubarb, maybe I should stop using instant so I can do the same for the clematis?

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