Marvel Studios have released an Avengers: Endgame – Superbowl teaser

You may be disappointed to find out that for the Superbowl, Marvel Studios did not in fact release a full trailer for Avengers: Endgame but instead a 30 seconds teaser full of very short snippets so let’s try to break it down.

First we see Cap in seems to be some kind of support group similar to the VA (I guess it might even be the VA since this is where he met Falcon back in CATWS) telling the audience that “some people move on but not (them)”. That poster wondering “where do we go now that they’re gone” isn’t exactly inspiring hope. So it’s up to the Avengers to do something about it.

Then it’s Tony and Nebula working on fixing something (a pairing many were wondering about following the initial trailer). Bruce, Steve, Nat and Rhodey looking up at something outside the Avengers facility. Rocket opens some sort of sea side shack in what looks like a similar location to where we see Thor later on, possibly out looking for something or someone. Nat is furiously shooting at a practice target, again at what looks like the Avengers facility.

Then Ant-Man and War Machine are suited up together in a scene that appears to confirm that Scott does indeed show up in present day and not 1983 like many speculated. Nothing in this scene seems to suggest this is at any other time than 2018 / 2019. Thor then appears in a rather strange place, facing an opening which, to be honest, reminded me of the batman symbol at first. This I suspect will produce it’s fair share of theories on Reddit I’m sure. Interestingly, although he’s wearing a cape he carries Stormbreaker as an umbrella like he does the comics and in Thor Ragnarok, which suggests they are on earth but the place he looks out of seems very alien, like a crashed space ship yet doesn’t resemble the Benatar to me so perhaps this is teasing a new friend or foe from outer space (Perhaps the ship Captain Marvel returns in?).

And then Clint seems to be back as being Hawkeye seeing that he’s wearing a quiver full of arrows. It’s unclear where he is but it seems either underground or in some alien space. The red light on his face suggests nothing friendly.

Finally Cap is reunited with his shield and is seen leading what I surmise to be a group comprised of himself, Thor, Rocket, Black Widow, Ant-Man, War Machine and Bruce Banner. They’re silhouetted so it’s hard to tell but that seems a logical group based on previous scenes.

Let me know where you think Thor and Rocket are, what Cap and the others see in the sky (Tony returning?) and where Clint finds himself.

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