Google is working on a new social experiment. How long will it last?

As a former Google+ user, Creator and generally advocate of the platform, I have spoken long and hard about the consequences that google has put on the trust I put in them when it comes to launching new “products” which are aimed at somehow bringing people together. Mostly because history tells us these projects have a tendency to last about as long as a moth in a bush fire.

And yet they keep trying, and their latest attempt would be interesting if it wasn’t so insulting towards those of us who worked so hard to make Google+ the friendly place it was without any of Google’s help. The experiment is called Tangi and in their first announcement, Google calls it  an experimental social video sharing app with quick DIY videos that help people learn new things every day. Tangi is where creative people can get new ideas and connect with other passionate people like them. If that sounds familiar to you, then you too are possibly another disillusioned former Google+ creator.

Actually at first glance this reminded me of Pinterest more than anything else but the wording of the announcement post almost makes it sound like they are going after the various maker communities which have grown out of YouTube and are now trying to find their own spaces as a safeguard against the always uncertain status of the platform. The Maker’s Mob, The Maker Alliance and The Makers Playground being but a few of them.

Of course it’s still an experiment, which means it’s not available everywhere and though the announcement makes no mention of it, it’s likely only available in the USA. And to rub the salt deeper in the wound, there isn’t even an Android app for it, based on their only promoting the iOS app.

Will you be trying Tangi? I won’t, partly because I can’t but mostly because I can’t trust Google to build another community which will only end up dissolved into nothingness 6 to 12 months down the line.

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